Thursday, February 7, 2008

What Now?!

In my profession of teaching, I'm often struck by the phrases kids use. Some are odd. (Brotha from anotha motha) Some are lame. (Oh yeah? Well, yo mama!) And some have an odd little twist to them. (What NOW?!)

That last little phrase is usually delivered after a particularly strong athletic performance in the face of direct opposition. Like today when a 17 year old student of mine rared back and threw a basketball like a baseball...very hard and very straight -- and made a three point shot. Even though it was quite on accident....

"What NOW?!"

It's also the phrase that seems to fit the political season right about now.

To all those who said this was a two man race between McCain and Romney...

"What NOW?!"

To all those who said Huckabee should "have the dignity" to not attend the Reagan Library debate...

"What NOW?!"

To all those who have belittled (Bill O'Reilly), attacked (Rush Limbaugh), slandered (Ann Coulter), condescended to (Sean Hannity), revealed bias against (Laura Ingraham), or made up bogus reasons to dislike (Glenn Beck) Mike Huckabee...

"What NOW!?!"

Not only did we win states and delegates on Super Tuesday, we've outlasted Fred, Rudy, and now Mitt.

"What NOW?!"

But frankly, we need to ask ourselves the same question.

"What now?"

An honest observer will note that Mitt's suspension of campaign was a very classy move, designed to unite the party. At least that's what he says. Even if it isn't, he left the race in a very gracious and dignified manner. Not only do we need to respect that, we need to consider if it is time for us to do the same.

Don't get me wrong. I'm usually a "never say die" person. But is it truly in the nation's best interest for us to stay in? Is it in the party's best interest? Is it in Mike's best interest?

If we truly cannot win, we ought to bow out gracefully in a few days, and stay away from a VP position. Why? Because if we truly cannot win, we are a nuisance to the party winning. We're a laughable distraction.

If we accept a VP position, it will reek of a backroom deal, and look very bad for Huckabee. Not to mention the fact that if McCain loses with a Huckabee VP, Romney becomes the heir apparent for 2012, rather than Huckabee.


If we can really win, we ought to give it one last go. This thing is not sewn up yet, and we have always defied the pundits, pollsters and predictors. They've never really given Huckabee a chance, anyway. The only time they took the Huckster seriously was during the time between Iowa and South Carolina. The media follows the polls; we set the polls on their ears. Time after time, Mike has defied tremendous odds and outperformed expectations. If anyone can pull an upset win, Mike Huckabee can. If anyone can beat the Democrats with less money, Mike Huckabee can. After all, what does he have to lose?

If we stay in, they're going to come after us. We need to be ready to defend Mike against charges of being arrogant and selfish for continuing to seek the nomination. They're going to accuse him of making it easier for the Democrats to win, by battling McCain, the presumptive nominee. They're going to call him a spoiler. Expect some of the talk jocks who hated McCain to suddenly love him and continue a savage attack on Huckabee.

But, we've been through all that before. We can handle it.

What now? After examining the case for getting out, and finding it lacking...

After looking at the case for staying in and deciding we have nothing to lose....

I say, "What NOW!?!"

We're still in the race.


Ruth Ueland said...

Hi Matt,
That's cool that you were at the rally too.
No, I am not related to Jimmy, but I attended church with him and his family a couple of years ago.
Thanks, I like your blog!

Anonymous said...

I read your comments to "J" on another blog...

Jon 16 Jan 2008 at 12:03 am 5

Mitt, I worked at Modus Media for lots of years and attended the 2002 Olympics. Great job, you were awesome. From a business standpoint, I support you and say America needs you. I’m also Mormom… but I’m gay. What are you going to do for gay Americans? I’m an honest hard working, tax paying (more than most) American. I don’t want special treatment, I want fair treatment. My partner of 15 years and I have been tax paying, charity supporting, selflessly giving of our time and money to better America. But, where are our rights. I don’t say that I need marriage if that “offends” (although I don’t understand that, nor does my Stake President Father and mother), but I need a union to support my partner who has been there to support me, just as your wife has been your support. Why can’t she get my social security payment when I die. Why do I have to pay more taxes to put her on my companies health benefit plans because the America I love and support says “I’m not worthy? (considering my huge payment into the system). What does God want? I’ve heard from the mouth of a prophet, that I am a child of God and he doesn’t make mistakes, I’m worthy of His love, why is this nation that claims to be founded and governed by this same God disagree? I can tell you that many will be surprised when they stand before our Maker and hear from his Almightly voice that he created us all and that we are all worthy of His love and the support of the nations that we support?

This country needs change, show me some and you will get my vote.

Matt Prihodaon 29 Jan 2008 at 6:37 pm 6

Just a reply to “J” above.

You have been created by God, and are worthy of His love, and He doesn’t make mistakes. But your actions are repugnant to Him. God did not make you gay.
Why should America validate a particular action (homosexuality) just because you want us to? We don’t let drug buddies get SS benefits from each other. We don’t let adulterers get SS benefits from each other. America recognizes heterosexual marriage because it is what society has been built upon. It is what God Himself ordained. We have just chosen to recognize it and protect it legally to encourage it’s continuance.

Gay sex offers no benefit to society to make it worthy of endorsment, recognition or legal protection.

The issue has nothing to do with your worthiness. You are as worthy of every human right as I am. But your actions (gay sex) are not worthy of legal recognition or support. Why should we redefine God’s Word, societal mores, and American law, just so you can feel better about doing something sinful? Your worth as a human isn’t really the question.

You are a creature of God and greatly loved by Him. I hope you repent of your actions and find forgiveness through His grace.

This is probably pointless, but God has found it advisable to incorporate homosexual behavior in the genetic makeup of a great many animals, including humans. I think the world would be a pretty drab place without gay people, who touch your life every day with their contributions.

As for the Word of God, I'm not sure it's safe to assume anyone knows what it is.

Anonymous said...

What now, you ask? The what now is that by March 4th McCain will have the required delegates to get the nomination and Huck will be a far distant memory. I just hope he doesn't come back to Arkansas and run for the Senate. I just may have to vote for the incumbent (Mark Pryor, a Democrat) if he does that.