Sunday, December 30, 2007

Hillary's White House Experience

This is hillarious! I copied it from comments left on the political commenary blog, "The Swamp."

It was written by "GW" on December 30, 2007 9:31 pm.

GW, whoever you are, I hope you don't mind my re-posting of your commentary. And, I don't know that every line is competely accurate, but they do remind us of Hillary's White House Experience.

Hillary's White House experience includes the following:
- The only president ever impeached on grounds of personal malfeasance
- Most number of convictions and guilty pleas by friends and associates*
- Most number of cabinet officials to come under criminal investigation
- Most number of witnesses to flee country or refuse to testify
- Most number of witnesses to die suddenly
- First president sued for sexual harassment.
- First president accused of rape.
- First first lady to come under criminal investigation
- Largest criminal plea agreement in an illegal campaign contribution case
- First president to establish a legal defense fund.
- First president to be held in contempt of court
- Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions
- Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions from abroad
- First president disbarred from the US Supreme Court and a state court

Shame on you, Mike

Well, I hate to say it, but I am very disapointed in my man Mike Huckabee. Or at least whomever is running his campaing these last few days.


Mike has gone negative, attacking Romney first in comments to reporters and in speeches, and now on his website. It's total trash. It's a petty, rambling attack about things we already knew. It's what makes politicians look bad. It's not Mike's style and it reeks of someone different. Maybe it's Ed Rollins.

Whomever it is, they need to stop. Mike has made a big deal of not being negative in this campaign. Now, three days before a caucus, he totally blows it by posting this attack on Mitt Romney.

Don't get me wrong. Mitt Romney started this nonsense, and he's a weasel in my opinion. But Mitt totally hurt only himself with these attacks. Now Mike has to do the same thing.

If anyone in the Huckabee campaign wants an ordinary voter's advice: Stop it. Better yet, retract it; take it off the website quietly. Do something - anything - except this. This is a great way to ruin a good candidate.

I'm very seriously considering stopping my campaign activities for Huckabee. This blog will go on, but will quietly ignore the Huckabee camp. I still plan on voting for Mike, but Governor, if you're listening, turning a campaigner into a voter is not the way to win.

If it gets worse, you may turn that voter into a voter for someone else.

History - Huckabee style

“You are not going to find moments on YouTube of me saying something different about the sanctity of life today than I said ten years ago, ten minutes ago, or fifty years ago. You are not going to find something in YouTube where I said something completely different about gun wnership and the second amendment than I did last week, ten weeks ago, ten years go. You are not going to hear me making up stuff about my biography. I don’t go around saying I was lifelong golfer because I once rode in a golf cart when I was eight years old.”
--Mike Huckabee, December 29, 2007, as quoted by the New York Times
To read the whole article:

Saturday, December 29, 2007

I (Still) Like Mike

With the campaign season starting unseasonably early, campaign fatigue is starting to set in even for the political junkies among us. In fact, the Iowa Caucus, despite being held so early, seems to be late in the race. It is, in fact, just the beginning.

Whoever wins the Iowa Caucus will be given that magical and elusive gift of "momentum." And Iowa will either make or break some candidates. Every candidate (except Giuliani) seems to sense that and is making Iowa the battleground state for politics. Everyone, Republican and Democrat, has battled ferociously and undecided Iowans now must choose between bloodied and battered candidates.

Despite the obvious beating he has taken from Republican opponents, the media and yes, even despite his own blunders, I still can't write one guy off. I still like Mike. Mike Huckabee, that is.

I know he has made blunders. I know his opponents have tried to smear him. I realize that the media, both conservative and liberal seem to have turned, en mass, against him. But, you have to give this man one thing - he just doesn't quit. He's still out there, stumping with his cheerfully corny humor, pulling together an unlikely coalition of conservatives. He's still shrugging off the sight of his own political blood, and pressing on. He's still making moneyed opponents scratch their head furiously and wonder, "How does he do it?"

The answer is simple: Mike is Mike. He's not an Establishment Republican. He's not a talk show Republican. He's not a typical Republican. He's a middle class Republican. A common man Republican. Call it populism (I don't think it is entirely); call it Evangelical-ism (it's not just that); call it whatever you want: it's here and everyone is going to have to deal with it.

Just as Tancredo forced everyone to address the immigration issue, Huckabee is forcing Republicans to think of the common, middle America Republican. And no one really knows what to do with it. Hence, everyone and their dog is piling on. Typical Republican opinion mongers don't know what to do with Huckabee's political pragmatism. Typical Democratic rattletraps don't know how to handle Huckabee's ministerial roots.

It's OK. Mainstream Americans aren't afraid of a pragmatic social conservative. We like the fact that he's never been pro-life or pro-gay. We know Mike did a great job governing Arkansas. We don't trust most of the media moguls anyway, and everyone knows better than to listen to a rival's attack ads. So, Mike is still our man.

Is Mike perfect? No. Do I have disagreements with some of his policies? Sure. Are there criticicsms to be made of his candidacy? Yes, and I hope to address that in a later post. But when it comes time for me to vote, I haven't found anyone better, or even as good as the other man from Hope, Arkansas.

Yep, I still like Mike.

Welcome to Common Sensibilities

This is (obviously) the first posting of Common Sensibilities, a blog by a Christian, thinking conservative. The topics on this blog will run the gamut of politics, Christianity, philosophy, science, religions, and perhaps even electronics. You never can tell what you'll see on this site. One post may be about creation vs. evolution. One post may be about the merits of Mike Huckabee as he runs for President. One post may be about the large diaphragm condenser microphones. You never know just what will pop up.

I hope to encourage lively debate. Please, don't always agree with me. I love to argue. I hope to spot sloppy logic and careless thinking. I hope to support the truth. And, as the name suggests to keep our thinking firmly rooted in common sense and Christian sensibilities.

In the first few months, politics are likely to dominate the conversation, given the fact that we are only a few days away from the first voting process for the 2008 Presidential Race. Please note, I am a Republican. But I am a thinking Christian first, then a conservative, then a Republican. If I call attention to any Republican in a negative way, it's because they are betraying conservative positions or Christian principles.

Feel free to sound off. Comments will be moderated for swearing, vulgarity or vileness, but not for disagreeing or contradicting me. If you can out debate me, it's OK. If you use cuss words or filthy language, I will not post your comments.

Welcome aboard.